Book Summary: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism

Book title: Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism Author: Yanis Varoufakis “Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism” is a book written by Yanis Varoufakis, an economist and former Greek finance minister. The book Read More …

Praxis Summer School 2023 Day 3 – Doughnut Economics

One of the workshops on day 3 of the 2023 Summer School was on Doughnut Economics and was facilitated by UCC lecturers Dr Carol Power, Dr Paul Bolger, Dr Declan Jordan, UCC.  We were joined too by Dr Stephen Thornhill who is a Food Security specialist Read More …

Praxis Summer School 2023 Day 3 – Trócaire’s Make it Your Business Campaign

Just 100 companies have been the source of more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988.  This is a headline fact for a campaign currently being run by the international development agency, Trócaire. At the 2023 Praxis Summer School, we were joined Read More …

Praxis Summer School 2023 Day 3- LGBT+ and Human Rights

Consensual same-sex sexual acts are a criminal offence in 67 (out of 193) UN member states. The death penalty is the legally prescribed punishment for consensual same-sex sexual acts in 6 UN member states (and possibly 5 others). Only 28 UN member states recognise same-sex marriage. There has Read More …

Reflection on Day 3 of Praxis Summer School 2023 – Permaculture, Kinsale Transition Town

Day three of the Praxis Summer School also brought with it the energy and passion for permaculture of Dónal Chambers.  Dónal is course co-ordinator on Kinsale College’s Sustainability and Permaculture course and the chair of Transition Towns Kinsale. Dónal talked about permaculture and work he Read More …