The Praxis Project aims to integrate ‘Development and Global Citizenship Education’ (DGCE) into pedagogy, research and capacity building activities across University College Cork. It is housed at the Centre for Global Development (CGD) and funded by Irish Aid.
The UCC community, staff and students, are actively promoting and encouraging critical reflective engagement with the meaning and effectiveness of development education and global (which includes local) citizenship education.
To provide quality Development and Global Citizenship Education to UCC students, staff and local communities and to develop UCC as a centre of research excellence, knowledge exchange and publications in this field.
1.To integrate DGCE into UCC pedagogy at all academic levels;
2.To establish UCC as a centre of research excellence in the field of DGCE;
3.To ensure that UCC staff and students are enabled to engage in sustained, sustainable action for social change relevant to DGCE
4.UCC staff build their DGCE capacity.
Further information can be found at the Praxis Strategic Plan:
Strategic Plan Praxis 1st August 2019