CPD for Staff and General Public

CPD 1758 is a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) course for UCC staff and for the wider public.

Your successful participation will lead to a Certificate of Participation in Global Citizenship and Development Education (GCDE).   

Starting date for next course:  the next course begins on Wednesday 18th January 2023 at 4-6 PM.

Venue: The O’Rahilly Building, UCC Room 123

Map of UCC Campus: https://www.ucc.ie/en/media/siteassets/contentassets/maps/UCC_CAMPUS_MAP_23_11.pdf

Registration is now open.

Fee: Free for UCC staff and people who are unemployed.  €100 for all others.

How to Register 

Registration link will appear here shortly.  Meanwhile you can contact:  cpd@ucc.ie

All participants will be registered on a first come, first served basis.  Early registration is recommended because the course fills up fast.  For those who are not successful in securing a place you will be kept on a waiting list and will be offered a place before the course begins, should anyone cancel their registration.

Please note that the CPD takes place alongside a course UW0012 which is open to UCC students.  There is a small quota of eight people who wish to take this as a CPD.

Below you will find the following information:

Module Content


Course accreditation status

Module Content

Learners explore the theory and practice of DGCE using theoretically-informed, action-based learning. The module critically explores themes of global wealth/poverty, human rights, social justice, sustainable development, geopolitics, aid, financial justice, power, social movements, women, indigenous and refugee rights, local and global governnance and intercultural communications. Students also develop skills and tools to empower them to take action for social change. These include critical thinking, critical media analysis, group building and facilitation skills, planning and evaluation tools, campaigning tools, approaches to informed advocacy and policy change, creative arts, radio, multimedia storytelling, digital tools for communication, collaboration and creativity.

Practical Details relating to January 2023 Course

Starting date for next course:  the next course begins on Wednesday 18th January 2023 at 4-6 PM.

Venue: The O’Rahilly Building, UCC Room 123

Map of UCC Campus: https://www.ucc.ie/en/media/siteassets/contentassets/maps/UCC_CAMPUS_MAP_23_11.pdf

You cannot audit this course. To be awarded the certificate you are obliged to work on a group project with other participants.

Assessment: Total Marks 100: Continuous Assessment 100 marks (to include 5 x 500 word e-portfolios (20 marks each). There will be a number of deadlines throughout the semester for the varying assessment pieces of the e-portfolio to be completed).  For third level staff the assessment may take a different format based on their own work and this will be discussed with the course lecturer.

Participation:  please note that you cannot ‘drop in’ to a lecture here and there and should this be your expectation you should consider offering a place to someone on our waiting list.  While normal difficulties are understandable (e.g. illness, unexpected emergencies etc), you should be aware that participation is important and that the commitment to our Praxis group is important.  Like any quality course at UCC, this is not a ‘packaged’ course but one which offers authentic, meaningful learning.  Should you wish to attend a quick course with an overview of global issues there are many free online options which you could explore.


Please note that this is not a lecture orientated course, although there will be some lectures.  It is experiential and participatory.  You cannot ‘drop in’. to a lecture here and there and should this be your expectation you should consider offering a place to someone on our long waiting list.  We work with NGOs and other partners and this requires considerable preparation in advance of the course.  It involves several preparatory meetings between UCC staff and outside partners.   With our partners we run workshops and students participate in group projects.  Your project work is also showcased on the Praxis website.