CATCH Project

Staff Member: Ms Martha Phelan, Senior Executive Assistant.
Department: Research Support Services, Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation. This work is being done on a voluntary basis as extracurricular activities at UCC.


Plan for Integration of GCDE

The CATCH Project: CATCH stands for Communication and Action through Tree-planting for Climate-Health and is a project being run within the School of Public Health and the Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork. “The project aims to communicate climate change and its impact on human health and wellbeing. It is important to consider climate actions that have co-benefits for the environment, health, and society (1). Through an online event, local community tree-planting and the production of a short animation film, the CATCH project aims to communicate these aspects.


Volunteer to host a tree planting ceremony to promote the CATCH project on home farm.


(1) A large focus of the project is on local climate action and particularly the benefits of green spaces and trees. High quality green spaces can offer a ‘triple win’: providing benefits to the environment, to human health, and to society (European Environment Agency, 2020). Through the CATCH project, twenty participants from the local community will have an opportunity to plant their own native Irish tree. (I am one of the twenty participants that will plant a native Irish tree and host a tree planting event later in the year).



Praxis plan

Phelan, Martha_case-study-Praxis-Plan_Admin-staff (PDF opens in a new tab/window)



Ms Martha Phelan

A graduate of University College Cork, Martha Phelan works as a Senior Executive Assistant with the Research Support Services Group at the Office of the Vice President Research and Innovation at UCC. Her academic experience is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary; she holds a PG. Dip. in Enterprise Development for Managers of Enterprise, Innovation, and Incubation Centres (WIT), a B.Sc. in Environmental Studies (UCC), and B.A. in Economics and French (UCC). She is currently studying (part-time) a Master in Education programme at the Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests are higher education for sustainable development & sustainability-oriented thinking and action, and methodologies for transdisciplinary research. Martha aims to introduce Global Citizenship and Development Education (GCDE) praxis into extracurricular activities at her workplace, for example, UCC Bus Stop Chats – a virtual cross faculty forum to discuss topics of interest for both academic and non-academic staff members; UCC Book Club – a virtual reading group organised through the staff sports and social club. In addition, Martha aims to embrace GCDE praxis into the home farm environment through the planting of c.10 acres of native woodland, an environmental scheme organised through Teagasc, Ireland’s Agriculture and Food Development Authority.


The Centre for Global Development
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