Our thanks to the Irish Examiner for publishing this letter on 24th of October with 139 signatures. It is a response to the excellent article written by food security expert UCC, Dr Stephen Thornhill which can be found here: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/spotlight/arid-40989254.html
Our response is here:
A Chara,
We welcome recent attention in this newspaper (22 October 2022 – Horn of Africa: The developed world must now show solidarity with those on the brink) to the global food crisis. We would like to encourage further in-depth, non-sensational and independent reporting in this and other media outlets.
As a result of a delayed global response, the 2011 famine claimed the lives of more than 260,000 people in Somalia, half of them children under five. This does not have to happen again. Food insecurity is not inevitable, it is political. Today, the convergence of the Russian war in Ukraine, disruption of agri-food supply chains, locust infestation, successive failures of the rains, hyper-inflation, high energy costs, record-high fertiliser prices and the rising demand for biofuels, all point to a major food crisis. We need to learn the lessons of the past and take urgent action to save lives before it is too late. Indeed, the crisis threatening us today could be on a far greater scale than in 2011 due for instance to the disruption of grain supplies from Ukraine to Africa and the Middle East.
A World Food Programme Report, September 2022, highlights 19 ‘Hunger Hotspots’ around the world. As an example, the humanitarian funding required to stave off pending catastrophe in the Horn of Africa, is estimated by the UN to be in the region of €4.16 billion, but this appeal to international donors is falling drastically short. The Report also notes that in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Yemen humanitarian action will be critical in preventing further starvation and death. We note Minister for State for Irish Aid, Colm Brophy’s comment (IT 7 Sept. 22) “Europe is facing its own problems, but we cannot let that distract us from catastrophe facing the region”. We urge him and other government officials to show leadership and to use all the mechanisms at their disposal to influence international donors.
Specifically, we ask that humanitarian assistance be made available as a matter of urgency to the most vulnerable, food-insecure people in the world. We also ask the Irish government and the international community, to take stronger political action and to use all the means at their disposal to ensure that humanitarian aid is delivered to those at risk of famine in conflict zones, e.g., in northern Ethiopia, and to ensure that starvation is not used as a weapon of war, as it is currently being used in Tigray and Yemen for example.
While short-term humanitarian measures are imperative in current crises, clearly they will have limited long term impact unless our governments ensure that all policies (economic, trade, tax, migration, climate change, agriculture, industry, aid etc.) consistently support those most vulnerable to climate change, conflict, food insecurity and poverty around the world. Long-term structural and systematic change is imperative to mitigate against such disasters in the future.
Is sinne, le meas,
- Dr Gertrude Cotter, Lecturer, Centre for Global Development, University College Cork
- Dr. Sanaa Khabbar, University Language Teacher, The Language Centre, University College Cork
- Ms. Maria Tobin, Oral Health Services Research Centre, University College Cork
- Dr Claus Koestler, School of Mathematical Sciences, University College Cork
- Mr. Brian Casey, Executive Director, Irish Emergency Alliance
- Aisling Halligan, Self Help Africa – International Development Organisation
- Dr Jacqui O Riordan, Lecturer, Applied Social Science, University College Cork
- Dr Nick Chisolm, Senior Lecturer in International Development, University College Cork
- Dr Piaras Mac Einri, Lecturer, Dept of Geography, University College Cork
- Mr. Mike Fitzgibbon, Lecturer, International Development, University College Cork
- Dr Brian Turner, Lecturer, Department of Economics, University College Cork
- Dr Eilish Dillon, Lecturer, Maynooth University Department of International Development
- Dr. Michael J. O’Mahony, Department of Process, Energy and Transport Engineering, MTU
- Dr Tom Campbell, Lecturer, Maynooth University Department of International Development
- Dr Saumava Mitra, Assistant Professor, Dublin City University, School of Communications
- Dr Niamh Gaynor, Associate Professor in International Development, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Thomas Mc Donagh, Director, Financial Justice Ireland
- Stephen McCloskey, Centre for Global Education, Belfast
- Dr Amin Sharifi Isaloo, Department of Sociology & Criminology, University College Cork
- Prof. Kieran Keohane, Department of Sociology & Criminology, University College Cork
- Dr Maureen O’Connor, Department of English, University College Cork
- Dr. Paul O’Keeffe, Assistant Professor/Lecturer, Maynooth University Department of International Development
- Dr Siobhan O’Sullivan, Lecturer, School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork
- Niamh Rooney, Lecturer, Maynooth University Department of International Development
- Dr Colm Regan, Visiting Lecturer, University of Malta
- Dr Stephen Thornhill, Lecturer and Programme Director of the MSc in Food Security, Policy and Management, University College Cork
- Dr Rosarii Griffin, Interim Director, Centre for Global Development, University College Cork, Ireland.
- Dr. Lekha Menon Margassery, President, UCC Indian Alumni Community, University College Cork, Ireland.
- Ms Sally Orren, Head of General and Academic programmes, Language Centre, University College Cork, Ireland.
- Dr Angela Flynn, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, Ireland.
- Dr Maeve O’Sullivan, Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Decent Work, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, University of Galway.
- Ms Carol Condon School of Nursing & Midwifery, University College Cork, Ireland.
- Donal Chambers – Course Coordinator – Permaculture & Sustainable Horticulture, Kinsale College, Kinsale. Co. Cork.
- Anne-Marie Curtin, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer, University College Cork.
- Dr Julia Schneider, Department of Asian Studies, University College Cork
- Dr Stephen O’Brien, School of Education, University College Cork.
- Dr Bernie Grummell, Departments of Education, and Adult & Community Education, Maynooth University
- Dr Silvia Brandi, Quality Enhancement Advisor, Quality Enhancement Unit, University College Cork
- Dr Margaret Murphy, BSc in Midwifery Programme Lead, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork.
- Martha Phelan, Research Support, Office of Vice President for Research and Innovation, University College Cork.
- Dr Orla Murphy, Department of Digital Humanities, University College Cork.
- Dr Camilla Fitzsimons, Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University
- Prof. (em) Manfred Schewe, Department of German/Theatre, University College Cork
- Dr Peter Admirand, School of Theology, Philosophy, and Music, Dublin City University
- Dr Eugene McNulty, School of English, Dublin City University
- Kirsty Rickard, Programme Administrator, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, DCU
- Professor Anne Matthews, Faculty of Science & Health, DCU
- Dr Volkan Yilmaz, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Dr Pieternella Pieterse, Faculty of Science & Health, DCU
- Dr. Fiona Gallagher, School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, DCU
- Dr. Joss Moorkens, School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, DCU
- Professor, Jane Suiter, School of Communications, Dublin City University
- Dr. James Fitzgerald, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Zelalem Hadush, PhD candidate, University College Cork, Ireland
- Dr Barbara Doyle Prestwich, Head of Plant Science, School of Biological Earth and Environmental Science, UCC.
- Dr Ricardo Castellini da Silva, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society, DCU.
- Dr Jimmy O’Keeffe, Assistant Professor, Dublin City University, School of History and Geography
- Dr Rhona O’Connell, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork
- Prof. Pat Brereton, School of Communications, DCU
- Felicity Daly DrPH, Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century, UCC
- Dr Kian Mintz-Woo, Department of Philosophy and Environmental Research Institute, UCC
- Aoife Bruce, INFANT Centre CUH
- Dr Siobhain O’Mahony, Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, UCC
- Prof. Abina Crean, School of Pharmacy, UCC
- Dr Simon Woodworth, Cork University Business School, UCC
- Dr. Sarah Robinson, School of Applied Psychology, UCC
- Professor Luigina Ciolfi, School of Applied Psychology, UCC
- Dr Crystal Addey, Lecturer, Department of Classics, and Co-Covener of the Eco-Humanities Research Group, University College Cork
- Maura O’Leary, UCC
- Dr Eoin Lettice, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCC
- Dr. Seána Ryan, Dept. of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, UCC
- Ms Ann Heffernan, Photonics Centre, Tyndall National Institute, UCC.
- Nora Hennessy, School of Applied Psychology, UCC
- Dr. Brendan McElroy, Department of Economics, UCC
- Dr Declan Jordan, Senior Lecturer in Economics, University College Cork
- Dr. Joan Cronin, Department of Sociology & Criminology, University College Cork
- Professor Barry O’Sullivan MRIA, School of Computer Science & IT, University College Cork
- Dr Laura Lee, Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, University College Cork
- Dr Damian Tobin, Department of Management and Marketing, CUBS, University College Cork
- Dr Ken McDonagh, Head of the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Dr Danny Marks, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Dr Conor Linehan, School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork
- Martin O’Connell, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork
- Dr. Mark Kennedy, Department of Physics, University College Cork
- Mike Hayes, ICT 4 Energy Efficiency Group, Tyndall National Institute, UCC.
- Dr. Sebastian Scheurer, School of Computer Science and IT, UCC.
- Prof. Andrew Cottey, Department of Government Politics, UCC
- Dr. Tom Boland, Department of Sociology and Criminology, UCC
- Dr. Chris O’Connell, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Dr. Stephen Wills, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCC
- Eoin Gamble, School of Applied Psychology, UCC
- Dr Dervla O’Malley, Department of Physiology, UCC
- Dr Walt Kilroy, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Dr. Namrata Iyer, APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork
- Dr Mike Murphy, School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork
- Zahid Aslam, Department of Marketing and International Business, MTU
- Dr Padmanathan Narayanasamy, Micro-Nano System Centre, Tyndall National Institute, UCC
- Philip McDonagh, Director, Centre for Religion, Human Values, and International Relations, DCU
- Dr Shane O Rourke, Department of Mathematics, MTU Cork.
- Dr. Olivia Flynn, Department of Process, Energy and Transport Engineering, MTU.
- Dr George Shorten, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, UCC
- Eva Juhl, Office of the Registrar & VP for Academic Affairs, MTU Cork
- Dr. Patrick Crowley, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, UCC
- Dr. Marica Cassarino, School of Applied Psychology, UCC
- Liam P. Ó Murchú MA, DLittCelt, Department of Modern Irish, UCC (retired).
- Tony Daly, 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World
- Dr Tracey Skillington, Department of Sociology & Criminology, UCC
- Dr Chandana Mathur, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Maynooth University
- Laura O Donovan, Researcher, MTU.
- Dr James O’Connor, Dept of Biological Sciences, MTU
- Dr J.P. McCarthy, Department of Mathematics, MTU
- Professor Jim O’Mahony, dept of Biological Sciences, MTU
- Fabio Silva, BSc, MBA, MSc, PhD researcher, Research Engineer, Tyndall National Institute, UCC.
- Dr. Samuel Hayes, Department of Geography and School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCC
- Maria Murray, Media Communications Department, Munster Technical University.
- Maeve McGinn, International Energy Research Centre, Tyndall National Institute
- Laura Crowe, Department of Physical Sciences, Munster Technological University.
- Joan Dinneen, Department of Sport, Leisure and Childhood Studies, MTU, Cork.
- Dolores Mullahy, Estates Office, MTU.
- Ian Pitt, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, UCC
- Edel Sullivan, MTU Cork School of Music
- Edmond Riordan, Fellow Emeritus, MTU Cork
- Dr Ríona Ní Churtáin, Department of Modern Irish, UCC.
- Brian Butler, Disability Support Service, UCC.
- Paola Rivetti, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- James Bilson, Access UCC
- Dr Mastoureh Fathi, Department of Sociology and Criminology, UCC
- Dr. Niamh Power, Department of Civil, Struct. & Environ. Enginggering, MTU Cork
- Roisin Lane, Department of Applied Social Studies, MTU
- Kevin Gilligan, Architectural Technologist, Building & Estates Department, MTU.
- Rose Buckley, Superannuation Office, MTU.
- Mary Quirke, Dept of Process, Energy and Transportation, MTU
- Nic Wilson, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, UCC
- Dr. Meley Mekonen Rannestad, Researcher at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Diarmuid Torney, School of Law and Government, Dublin City University
- Dr. Anca Mustata, School of Mathematical Sciences, UCC
- Gillian Aughney, OVPRI, UCC
- Dr. Marcin Szczerbinski, School of Applied Psychology, UCC
- Goitom Tegegn, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Belgium