Dr. Julia Schneider, Department of Asian Studies
Module 1: Module CH3304 “Ethnicity, Class and Gender in China”. Offered to students in the BA, the BA International, the BComm International with Chinese Studies as well as the BA World Languages. It can also be studied by students enrolled in other programmes.
Module 2: CH6334 “Ethnicity, Class and Gender in China” is offered for students enrolled in the MA Asian Studies.
Integration of GCDE: the general aim of this teaching development is to introduce a lens which takes a human rights perspective to the content of all classes as well as aspects of teaching. In particular to introduce topics related to human rights aspects regarding the concepts of ethnicity, class and gender and identities related to them in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC, Taiwan).
The course content as well as the methodology for the coming academic year 2021/2022 has been adjusted and reformed so that it now includes more topics that are related to GCDE and introduces clearer references to the issue of human rights. It opens rooms for students to discuss human rights issues based on academic approaches and analyses, giving them the opportunity to address sensitive issues safely, using GCDE methodologies and increase students’ commitment to learning.
Class discussions will be led by GCDE-informed methodologies. In order to structure discussions, I use methods from didactics in higher education such as “Brainstorming”, “Concept-mapping”, “Case study”, “Role game”, “Simulation game”, “Kick-off presentations”, “Pro-and-contra argumentation”, “Partner interview”, and “Active structuring”.[1] With help of these methods, I aim at enhancing students’ experience with and understanding of power relations and how they influence inequalities between different ethnic, class and gender groups. I also hope to increase awareness and empathy with discriminated and disadvantaged groups, and further broaden this to a move towards the political and analytical assessments of each situation.
[1] Macke, Hanke, and Viehmann 2012, 177f., 183-7, 202f., 215f., 241f., 245f., 253f., 257f..
Asian Studies – Julia Schneider
Biography Dr. Julia Schneider
Schneider, Julia
Dr Julia C. Schneider is a lecturer for Chinese history at the Department of Asian Studies at UCC. Before, she was assistant professor at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen for five years. Julia studied Classical Sinology and Musicology in Heidelberg, Berlin (HU), Vienna and at the Foreign Language University Beijing. She holds an M.A. in Classical Sinology and Musicology (2005) from the University of Heidelberg. In 2013, she defended her Ph.D. dissertation about “Ethnicity and sinicization” (summa cum laude) at the Universities of Ghent and Göttingen in a joint Ph.D. programme. Julia’s research areas are historiography and conceptual history, ethnography and ethnohistory in Ming, Qing, and Republican times. Currently, she is researching about book censorship regarding questions of differentiation between identities of Self and Other, dichotomies of civilization vs. barbary, and ‘ethnification’ processes during the 15th-18th century. Since her M.A. project, Julia has been particularly interested in how non-Chinese marginalised ‘minority’ people, their cultures and histories are understood and represented in the hegemonic discourse of the Chinese ‘majority’.