International Development and Development Education: Challenging the Dominant Economic Paradigm?

We would like to draw your attention to a recent important report which was commissioned by the Centre for Global Education and Financial Justice Ireland.  The consultant researcher was  Harm-Jan Fricke.  The research questions the extent to which the development education/global citizenship education sector is engaging with (and challenging) the global economic system.

It draws on research involving reviews of documents from both sectors, responses to a survey questionnaire and two seminars with participants involved with the sectors. Although the research is primarily concerned with information from the island of Ireland occasional reference is made, too, to sources from other parts of Europe.

More specifically the report aims to provide a reflection on the extent to which:
• governmental and other international development sector policy documents and
• development education sector intentions and activities consider and incorporate a critical analysis
of the currently dominant form of economics, i.e. neoliberalism, in their education work with the

In addition, the report reflects on:
• what may help or hinder these sectors in giving attention to global economic systems in their
education work with the public.

